about me
All creation is art. Everything has a sound and frequency. Being an artist i learn from nature every day. Thus, what i see, what i perceive, what i create is what derives off of my ongoing encounter with natures wisdom. There is a a constant bond, an interdependency of nature and men. We cannot and we shouldn´t claim to escape it, since we also would lose the connection with our own source of power and unlimited possibilities to overcome whatever challenges might occur. I see nature and wonder in every face, in every story, in every pivotal moment of history, in every form. These times demand our full understanding, attention, care, creativity and love not only for ourselves but for nature´s principles out there, and also inside civilizations.
photography is one way
installation is another
learning from uniqueness
water and air
light and matter
eternal dance in ongoing transition
sparked by this infinite curiosity towards life and its many forms
see more, see more it calls
and then i just dive into whatver there is talking to me
focussed in joyful interaction
immersed in the principles
of love
© all rights reserved by Johanna Lippmann, 2023